Despite thousands of years of civilization efforts seeking platonic refinement, the urge to copulate remains the key driver of human interaction. Fucking to make babies is obviously the biological basis. Animals like dogs can smell bitches in heat from far and extremely strong subconscious instincts make them jump on her at all costs. Proliferation of our best friends is thus assured. We are different. Men cannot smell when a woman is ready to get pregnant and she will simply not accept that whoever comes along first during that period or is the strongest to put a dick in her and ejaculate.
Another big difference (compared to almost all animal species except a few) is that humans can, want and love fornicating just for the fun of it. At the same time, for a man to get hard and a woman to get wet requires stimulus. That stimulus is always a cocktail of senses: touching, smelling, hearing, tasting and seeing. Visual stimulation probably hits you the strongest, at least initially.
Looking at the completely natural, uninhibited (and typically polyamorous) sex life of human tribes thousands of years ago, them watching other people having sex was certainly an awesome motivation to join the action. Nature wants it that way: for the sake of safeguarding the future of our species. Accordingly, no surprise that evolving cavemen and -women started to paint real-life erotic action on walls. Greeks and Romans thought it to be completely normal to have explicit drawings of two or more people doing it everywhere in their houses. Many other civilizations, too. Exhibiting sexual acts and getting aroused watching is therefore an integral and useful part of our DNA.
In other words: erotic content turns us on big time. Real life swinger action does that, porn movies and performers on webcams to do that, too. That is what makes us hard, horny, and happy. Sharing is caring – so please join our community for the journey!